Thursday, December 21, 2006

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Finally, J.K. Rowling revealed the title of the title of the last book about boy wizard Harry Potter.

The title will be "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows". Spooky isn't it?

My family can't wait for the book to come out next summer. The title is very promising. Who will die!?

The title was revealed on official J.K.Rowling site in a form of a puzzle. It's very entertaining, just like in regular adventure games!

There are several steps you need to follow to reveal the mystery: go to the JKR web site, click non-text version (you need to enable browser popups for that).

Click on the red eraser in the middle of the desk.
Click on the farther door in the mirror to see a Christmas tree.
Click on the top portion of big door in the middle to see a Christmas gloriole.
Click on the upper portion of the mirror to see Christmas decoration on the ceiling.
Click on the spider web to make it disappear.
Click on the fourth chime in the window.
Click the fourth chime again and drag the key to the main door keyhole. The door will open and you'll see a Christmas present.
Click on the present to open it.
Click on "Hangman Game" and complete it by typing letters on the keyboard.

Lot of fun, isn't it?

2 comments: said...

I couldn't get the key to appear. The chime changes color, but that's all. Where is the key supposed to appear?

Dijana said...

Click on the chime and then hold the mouse button, chime will transform into a key! Drag it to the keyhole...