Friday, December 15, 2006

35 Secrets Of Great Cake Makers

Here is a list of 35 practical tips for you to become awesome cake maker.

1. All ingredients must be fresh and of good quality.
2. Use beam scale to measure ingredients. Don't estimate.
3. Always beat egg whites thoroughly than add yolk.
4. Leave egg whites to cool off for 10 minutes before making whipped cream.
5. When you add flour, walnuts or something similar to beaten egg (whites or yolk), always stir the mixture with a spoon or mixer at low speed.
6. Always smear butter or margarine on cake pans or cooking pots. Dust with flour after that and shake out excessive flour.
7. Baked cake will taste better if you use butter to smear the bottom of the cooking pan.
8. Side-opening molds are the best for baking cakes because they will not stick to the bottom or the sides.
9. If the cake sticks to the bottom of the pan or mold, hold it over the boiling water.
10. If you baked the cake in a mold with detachable sides, when it's done, put the mold on the cake plate top-down and then take off the mold.
11. If your cake is still stuck, don't worry. Use thin sharp knife to cut the cake near the sides of the mold.
12. Always bake the cake crust on moderate temperatures.
13. You should bake the cake in appropriately heated oven. During the baking phase, never open the oven door. If the oven overheated you will cool it down by putting a pot filled with cold water.
14. To check whether the cake crust is done stick a toothpick in the middle. If it stays dry and clean then the cake crust is done.
15. Put a tablespoon of cooking oil along with butter to make chocolate glaze shiny.
16. If you use vanillin sugar then, at the end of filling mixing phase, add it to the mixture to ensure that sugar crystals will melt.
17. If you use vanilla sticks it's best to cut them in small pieces and put them into a cream before you finished cooking it. Remove the pieces of vanilla sticks before the filling phase.
18. Add one tablespoon of flour to steam cooked cream to make it thicken faster.
19. Keep eggs on room temperature for three hours before mixing.
20. If you add fruit in the cake, first mix it with a little flour to keep it away from the bottom.
21. Pour hot water over the almonds and dry them up after a few minutes to peel them. Roast peeled almonds in well heated oven.
22. You need only to peel almond for chopping. To prevent it slip through your fingers dust it with some sugar powder.
23. If you want to use hazelnuts, roast them in the oven just before using, on 150-200 degrees Celsius. Hazelnut is roasted when you can remove the husk by rubbing it with your fingers. Hazelnut should be ground only when it's cold.
24. Cake should be cold before filling and cutting.
25. It's easier if you cut cake crust with sharp thin knife or thread. Mark cutting lines with a knife and use strong thread to cut.
26. You decorate the cake always starting with sides and you should put bottom up because it's completely flat.
27. Spread cream over the sides first. Press ground walnuts with a scoop to the sides. Afterwards, proceed with decorating of the top.
28. You should always decorate the cake right on serving plate which should be completely flat, otherwise the middle part will sunk.
29. It's best to serve the cake on special decorative plates, preferably made of glass. If you don't have such a plate it's ok to use plywood coated with plastic. It's easy to preserve such a plate. You should always put over some decorative pad first.
30. To keep decorative paper pad clean while applying the cake filling, protect it with several table napkins. You can easily remove the napkins when needed.
31. Always mark cake pieces before cutting. Put a knife in a cold water before marking the pieces.
32. Serve the cake on small plates only.
33. Cake is eaten only with small forks. If the cake is hard, serve a small knife also. Only when it's ice cream cake then you should serve spoons.
34. Give small napkins to guests when serving a cake.
35. Server cups with cold water or lemonade to the guests after you give the cake. Don't make lemonade to sweet.

I hope my advice will help you. If you have any other tips please leave them in the comments section.

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