Monday, December 4, 2006

10 Reasons Why It's Great to Be a Housewife

My friends are asking me why I don’t get a job, how come I’m not bored sitting at home all the time and mostly look at me with sympathy.

What they don’t realize is that housewife calling has a lot of advantages. There are many of them and I’ll list ten of them. You’ll be the judge.

1. Flexible working hours: Start your day with coffee, tea or something similar. With newspapers, maybe. Something you like. There’s no better way to start your day. Then, you plan your chores. It’s best to write them down on paper. That way, you’ll never forget them and you’ll always know what’s next in line. When you finish planning stage then get to work. Nobody is rushing you. You decide when to start and when to finish.

2. No "I haven't anything to wear today" declarations: Your dress code for the day is decided by your mood alone. Sometimes it's sweat-suit and sometimes something more elegant. There are no regulations that dictate what you'll wear.

3. No conflicts with colleagues: Everything you do is yours and only yours. Nobody can live off your back and to impose you their work.

4. No bosses: You are your own boss. If you make a good plan for your day and do stuff according to the plan - there are no problems. You can always go back or postpone something that you've skipped because you didn't feel like doing it at the moment.

5. No deadlines - less stress: You decide about priorities for the day and you don't need to work just because somebody is breathing down your neck. Take it easy. With good organization you'll achieve everything.

6. No traffic jams: Imagine this situation - you're up early, made breakfast for your kids and hubbie, you are all dressed up thinking: "It's O.K. I'll be there on time..." And then... no busses, traffic jam in the city, crawling traffic cause someone is digging up the streets and you have to go all around to get where you wanted to go... Yuck!

7. Coffee breaks at abundance: When you get tired of doing things you do, you can always make a coffee break without fear that someone will yell at you. Nobody is pointing fingers at the wall clock. If you find a good magazine - you're in for a treat. You'll feel much better after that. Then you can go back to work.

8. Creativity: At work, you go through the same old routine every day. The some thing can happen at home but you have the liberty to change it. When you start to look to yourself like Cinderella, doing same dull chores every day like cooking and washing, you just change it. Make a new meal or do something else. Paint something, write a poem, fix a thing or two (to impress Him) or something just you find important. Call in some friends for a chat. Every change is fulfilling.

9. No returns to "warm" family nest: When you get back from work at 6pm things that wait for you are: making dinner, dirty dishes, dirty laundry, kid's homework. Not to mention the husband. If you bring your work home, "party" never ends. It's good if you manage to get some sleep by midnight.

10. Weekends: Every employed woman does her chores at weekends, something you already did during the week. When she's thinking about what she'll do first, washing, ironing or dusting you have a whole two days with your family. That time is priceless and you can give your best to make them even better.

Careers come and go. Family is something that stays. Enjoy every minute of it because you are employed, too. Don't allow anyone to put you down. Biggest thing you can accomplish is to have happy and satisfied family, and you are a big part of it.

If you have any other reasons why it's great to be a housewife, please write them in the comments section (just click on the "Comments" link below). All comments are welcome, even the ones that state the opposite.

1 comment:

B.A. Hunter said...

Thank you for this article. I have never worked since I've been married. I like it much better this way. I can't understand why women would want to obey a boss (who will only fire her in a downturn or whenever he wants to) instead of a husband. Everyone always asks me "what do you do?" Or if I will "go back to work" when our child goes off to school. I just say know. Feminism is so mainstream in our society that even as a married woman at the age of 22 the doctor asked me "what do you want to be when you grow up." Of course, I was too embarrassed to say I would continue to be a housewife because young girls grow up today knowing that isn't a career, that they must be self-sufficient. It's a sad reality we live in thanks to feminism.