Wednesday, January 31, 2007

How To Avoid Arguments With Kids

Are you familiar with situations when you say one thing and your kid wants the other? I go through this every day. I can say I'm fully qualified master of arguments...

My kids often use "exhaustion of opponent" tactics, and that opponent would be me. They demand something multiple times even if my first answer is negative. Especially my younger daughter. She enters the argument very prepared, with all guns blazing and disregarding all opposing arguments.

I do my best to stick to my first decision. I give answers which contain both my decision and a reason behind that decision thus leaving no space for misunderstanding. As soon as kids recognize hesitation in your voice - you are doomed. Then they attack with all available weapons including tears and blackmail...

To avoid these situations I defined three kinds of bans:
1. negotiable things (first the kid has to do something)
2. non-negotiable things (they know that even tears wouldn't help)
3. mid-negotiable things (on which I don't insist too much, like bedtime and PC usage)

Sometimes I don't have time or will to listen to their "strong" reasoning but nevertheless I'm fascinated with the way they present their arguments. They mastered basic diplomatic principles at such young age. That's the main reason why I emphasize discussions where they can understand my opposition.

One thing I know for sure: they are getting better at this every day. That's why I keep in shape...

Monday, January 29, 2007

How To Refresh Your Sex Life - Dedicated To Women

Here are some tips for women to freshen up their love life.

1. Treat him like you just met (it will be interesting)
2. Be gentle outside of bedroom (kiss or touch)
3. Make a date with him, even if it's a short walk (romantic)
4. Talk, but listen (they have something to say, too, you know)
5. Be aware of his sexual desires and needs
6. Dress up (you'll feel sexier and more desirable)
7. Think about bed boredom like a temporary state, not permanent
8. Deal with all conflicts you might have with him because even the smallest ones are bad for sex life
9. Laugh together (laughter is the best aphrodisiac)
10. Be daring and imaginative (men love that)
11. Exercise together (that can get "things" going)
12. If you smoke, don't. It's bad for sex. It's bad for everything, for that matter.
13. Watch your body weight (it can hamper both you and him)

These are pretty common sense tips - you don't have to go to the extremes to be satisfied with your love life.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Three Rules For Pupils Parents

My older daughter is in fifth grade. There weren't many problems with studying but sometimes she needs some stimulation.

1. Learn with the kid: From the first day in school I tried to keep up. Starting with alphabet, math basics to vegetative organs of plants. I try to find out about interesting things that go on in school, we go through her notes and books, discuss lessons... Kids in that age appreciate parents interest in what they do.

2. Learning through games: We browse dictionaries for unknown words. It isn't important if you know the word yourself - it's very interesting for your kid. We play "geography" game, where I suggest a letter from the alphabet and she remembers the names of states, rivers and mountains that start with that letter. We read newspapers together and discuss whatever grabs her attention.

3. Rest: We allocated two hours for serious learning sessions and homework, one hour for recreation (skating, roller skating, bicycle riding...) and the rest of the time is her own. My daughter agreed with that arrangement. She figured out that when she is finished studying she can freely do whatever she wants later.

My way works and the grades in school prove it. You can also try it!

Successful Marriage Tutorial

There are experts to teach you about marriage. I'll post about some things which matter to me and which are invaluable for my marriage.

1. We talk about everything: That way we get to know each other a little bit more each day; though I believe I know very much about my husband.

2. Respect: Respect is one of deepest human desires. I think that respect isn't something that is assumed. I try hard to show him respect every day by thanking him, commending and acknowledging him.

3. Discussion: We can argue but never alienate. Harsh words and yelling are not the answer. When there is argument - we discuss it.

4. Romance: Listening to the music is a good way to start your emotions. There is always a tune which reminds me about my husband and lovely moments spent with him.

5. Individuality: I'm aware that we are two separate beings and different in many aspects. I don't think it's wise to designate just one person for your own happiness. I try to be pleased with myself, to be responsible for my actions and finally for my happiness. My husband is there to make my life better.

These are my basic principles of successful marriage. You need to find your own solution and I hope these tips help.

Friday, January 19, 2007

How to Recognize Women You Should Stay Away From

You too can learn how to recognize various types of women in five minutes.

This is my recapitulation of things I've heard about women from men. My suggestion is to mix all types, stir well and get the ideal combination. There is some of each type in all women! I believe that men do not learn even from their own experience. They think that things will come out differently with the same type of women. Well - they won't.

1. Feminist: "Men are guilty for all wrongs in this world. All men should change sex. Women are divine beings and men aren't." This type thinks that women would make a heaven on Earth only if men would allow them. They are easily recognized by stating that "man think with his little head."

(Whenever you disappoint us we turn into this type)

2. Materialist: They are interested in the depth of men's wallets. They think that they should be financially supported just because they are female. Only real interest is to get what she wants. Some of the nicest girls are the greediest.

(This is due to old habits from stone age)

3. Insecure: These women are very nice at the beginning of the relationship. She's so kind and gentle and she pleases her man. But... soon she starts calling ten times a day just to hear his voice. She needs constant reaffirmation. She needs to be pretty, her hair style is very important and her looks, too. She is in constant fear of rejection. She is afraid of competition.

(It tends to be dull)

4. Romantic: Mom's princess doesn't want to live in a world of unpaid bills and dirty bathrooms. She needs constant care and she is not creative in bed. Run away!

(We are raised with the story about the prince charming)

5. Angry: She is not satisfied, always grumpy and gloomy... They are not nice and they mistreat everyone close to her. They take care only about themselves and don't care who they hurt. They are recognizable by sour look on their face and nice outfits.

(All women are in this category when they have PMS)

6. Spoiled: She is a close relative of "Angry", focused only on herself. She should be the center of the universe. Narcissist.

(Men are to blame for the existence of this kind)

7. Marrying kind: All her friends are married and she's desperate. She doesn't care who is her man and what he does - as long as he takes her to the altar.

(Every woman wants this no matter how much she declines it)

8. Giddily: Expert in manipulation of men. She says only what men love to hear until she makes her catch and then... painful sobering is imminent. She turns into "Greedy" type overnight with the sole purpose of domination over her man.

(Women are "weaker" sex and they should use their advantages in other areas)

9. Flirt: Men spot her miles away because she hunts everything in trousers. She's very proud to be men magnet. She is not loyal and just wants men's attention.

(Men love them, too!)

You were warned!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Creating Kid's Working Habits

Working habits are very important, especially when your kid starts going to school. Because of that, I started preparing my kids at very young age.

1. Helping kids to organize themselves: I made a mistake because I let them organize themselves. I relized that the kid's priorities are "a little bit" different then those of grown-ups. They want to write a diary to call their friends... Studying was the last on their list. When we realized that grades are not as good as they should be we made a different listo of priorities.

2. List of duties: We made clear what are the priorities. Then we have put that on paper and made that paper visible in their room. There were problems at the beginning for them to fulfill all that was written. They tried to trick me but I was persistent. And stronger. Now, everyting is fine.

3. Studying corner: Studying corner is for studying and for putting away things for school. In drawers of my older kid there were a buch of stuff besides school items. Pictures of Brad Pitt, broken toys, empty bags of chips and chocolates. At first I just warned her to clean that up and when that didn't work I changed approach. I deliberately entered her room while she was in. I started cleanding her desk. In the process I "incidentally" stumbled across private diaries, pieces of papers with names of her friends etc. Then she realized that it's much better for her to clean up herself. Then the secrets reamin secrets.

4. Place to put toys away: At first, toys were scattered all acros thir room. And I mean ALL acrros their room. I was a feat to walk through their room at night and not step on any toy and make loud noises. Putting the toys away made it to the list of priorities. They must put away all toys before going to bed. They put their toys in a closet. To keep order in that closet is too much to ask, though.

5. Cleaning day: Once a month, a whole family gathers in our kid's room and clean up. All toys that are broken beyond repair go to garbage can. We also try to classify the toys. It's not important that toys are mixed up by the evening.

6. Keeping schedule: Lunch is at 1 PM, studying from 2 PM to 4 PM etc. Kids learn to manage their time when they have fixed schedule. This schedule also gives them selfconfidence which is very important for kids.

7. Praise: I commend all cooperation attempts coming from my kids, no matter how small they are. It means a lot to them because they are helping their mom. There is hope that someday it will become a habit for them.

All in all, this is my way of raising kids. I'll be glad if this post is of any help to you.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Situations When Women Agree to Sex, Guaranteed

Are you familiar with "Not now dear, I have a headache..." phrase?

There are many excuses but there are also many situations when women wants sex.

1. After argument: There are times when everybody snaps and says things in anger. There are usually the tears involved. When something like that happens the best way to make up is a little tenderness...

2. Moments of extreme happiness: Getting a job, bigger paycheck, diploma or similar creates positive energy. Celebrate those occasions together and channel this energy to love making.

3. Stress: When we go crazy due to pressure or stress, the best cure is sex. After making love, nothing seems so tough. The same goes with headaches - it's mended with sex, too. It stimulates blood vessels.

4. Moderate jealousy: Situations when other woman is "looking" at your man is a challenge. Then we feel the urge to prove him why he picked us from all others.

5. A bit of alcohol: It doesn't mean drinking by gallons. A lot of booze will do the opposite - we'll probably fall asleep or something. One or two glasses, a bit of fooling around and...

6. Hot scenes: Not many women likes to watch "pr0n", but a hot movie scene with Antonio Banderas from your DVD collection would do the trick.

7. Long distance relationships: It's a known fact that most relationships can grow stronger with a bit of separation. If you are not separated - pretend that you are. Don't see each other for a couple of days and the result will probably be good.

8. After abstinence: Abstinence implies no sex - you can stop at kissing and fondling for a few days. After that, the storm is imminent.

9. A bit of creativity: Women can be creative in many areas. Kitchen is also a creative environment for women so you should keep this in mind. In midst of a struggle with pots and pans, surprise her - and do "9 1/2 Weeks".

In any case - the best way to know the right moment is to feel it for yourself.

Friday, January 12, 2007

What Women Wants

What kind of a man women dream of...

1. Romantic: holding hands, flower, candy. Gentle, one who can listen to a woman, generous with compliments and that he can show love.

2. Self confident: but not arrogant. Someone not too jealous, someone not searching for certification of his qualities from opposite sex. Some witty but not pushy.

3. Artist: someone who lives for the moment, who didn't forget how to court, who can write a song. Every woman wants to be a muse, to feel special and unique.

4. Boy: not literally. Someone with charisma, wit, a mix of a five years old boy and grown up man, someone who knows that women are curious and doesn't stick to the rules all the time.

5. Gentleman: someone who hasn't forgotten about old ways. Someone who wants to hold your coat, open a door, light a cigarette. Who pays the bills and asks for a dessert. Comes to pick us up and at the end of the date brings us back to the door. Especially if we have an ex "bad guy". Every women wants a gentleman eventually.

In any case, don't feel too extreme while reading this. And don't pretend. We will know, Look inside yourself and you will find some of the listed types.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

No Human Rights For Parents

Here is a list of lost human rights of contemporary parents. List is based on excellent book by Irena Tiodirovic.

1. Right to sleep

  • Don't let your child to impose sleeping rhythm, you should do that.
  • Whenever your child goes to sleep you should get some rest, too.
  • Don't disturb your kid during sleep.

2. Right to regular meals

  • You should throw leftovers in trash, not in you.
  • Teach your child to like meals that it doesn't.
  • When kids go to sleep, have a romantic dinner with your spouse with wine and candles.
  • Go to fancy restaurant without kids.

3. Right to go to toilet

  • Wait until kids fall asleep.
  • Wear a diaper.
  • Put kids into a bath tub to keep an eye on them.

4. Right to physical integrity

  • Don't take a nap after lunch (it's not healthy and can hurt).
  • Become a vegetarian.

5. Right to personal time

  • Let your kids organize your free time.
  • Don't even think about time off.

6. Right to remote control

  • Wear a remote attached to a string around your neck.
  • Don't watch TV (it's healthier - physically and mentally).
  • Meet Spiderman and everything will be easier.

7. Right to tell little lies

  • Say the truth even when you are not comfortable.
  • Never tell lies in front of those you educate not to lie.

8. Right to ignorance

  • Pretend you don't understand the question to get some time.
  • Say: "Ask daddy." It helps, but can jeopardize the marriage.
  • Sit and learn.
  • Respond with a question: "And what do YOU think?" There is a small chance the kid will give up.

9. Right to love

  • Don't knead the kids with your love
  • If you really must love, do it without explanations

10. Right to sex

  • Remember sex. Bed won't squeak while remembering and it's good for the spine.
  • Abstinence! What you need sex for? After all, you already made the kids.
  • Book a room in a hotel and meet like lovers. Downside of this approach is that hotel room will cost you as much as a few kids sneakers.

11. Right to insouciance

  • Stop worrying, everything will be all right!
  • When you are worrying, remember how tiresome was when your parents were worrying over you.
  • Don't ever think about what you did as a kid, you will start worrying much more.

12. Right to rest and relaxation

  • You can try! Who dares - wins!

13. ________________________________________

14. ________________________________________

15. ________________________________________

All this sounds familiar, doesn't it? There are a few numbers intentionally left blank so you can fill them out!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Guide to Recently Broken Relationships

Love comes and sometimes goes away. When breaking up time comes it's very important how you do it. Woman left alone can sometimes be more dangerous than a hair dryer in a bath tub. Be careful how you break up - it's better to have a friend than foe for life.

First rule is to never tell a woman that you break up by SMS or e-mail. I know it can be awkward but do it in person. If you put a line: "You are OK, it's me who has a problem..." the chances are you will part as friends.

On the other hand, some women can't deal with breaking up. Then there are several options.

First option: Woman wants you back

Breaking up went smoothly, she accepted all of your explanations... and then you get to see her more frequently than before. She hangs out with your friends, wears sexy outfits when you meet, sends you funny messages. What to do?

Ask her for a cup of coffee and repeat all explanations. Don't be rough. If she's even a bit normal it should do the trick.

If she's obsessing then start to avoid her and don't speak to her. You could recommend a psychiatrist or call a police.

Second option: "Friends"

You broke up smoothly but she starts calling you several times a day. She wants to know when is the big game on TV, what are the betting odds, she just found low price spare part for your car... Then you realize that she's even closer to you now then before. What about your new girlfriend?

Well, it's your own fault.

One way is to call a really good friend or an ex to your house and start acting like an Neanderthal. Be careful not to turn this "socializing" into a "Rose War". Women are much more dangerous in this battlefield. You will lose.

Third option: She wants to destroy you

You hear that she's gossiping around from your friends. She uses terms like jerk, hairy idiot... She brings up bedroom troubles with you. She could make things up. Failures in bed, secret fears... She might put up your phone number on every tree in the neighborhood. What now?

1. Wait some time
2. Find a girlfriend who doesn't know your ex
3. Try to gossip for yourself (not recommended)

Fourth option: (the worst) "You will be mine!"

You asked her for a cup of coffee, told her bad news (breaking up), she faintly smiled. Everything looks fine. And then... few days after, you start to receive threatening notes, someone scratched your car...

First thing to do is not to try to understand. By no means, don't pretend it's OK. Ask her family and friends for help. That is if they are sane.

Help her and then gently ask her to leave you alone. It probably should work...

If you can't manage it you can always move to other continent. It's better than some looney, you know!

All in all, think twice before you do something that can make your life miserable. Women are a gentler sex, but... why take chances?